Christopher Padilla - Wasco FFA Reporter

Sep 11, 20191 min

Greenhand Leadership Conference was a blast!

On September 6th our Greenhand members visited the Kern Ag Pavilion to attend the Greenhand Leadership Conference. Despite the slight delay in our bus they were able to enjoy the time they spent at the conference. The day consisted of numerous planned team building activities and the introduction of our new members into what FFA is all about.

Important things that come of this day is that the members were are able to have fun, meet members from other chapters in our section, but most importantly bond to create lasting friendships. I can definitely say the day consisted of laughs, learning, and amazing food. Speaking of food Wasco FFA would like to thank our former Ag teachers for preparing the lunch we had it was appreciated. Although on a more serious note everyone I had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with enjoyed the time they spent at the event, some more than others, but at least they were willing to try something new and make the effort to get involved.

Overall the day was one to remember. There were many members that attended that showed the desire to participate in more events and meetings in the future. I encourage anyone willing to try, do everything they can whether it be FFA related or any activity for that matter.
